In this how to, we want to explain how to use different connections on Formuler boxes and IPTV url`s you get from VooIPTV.
First of all, one small Info for potential new buyers and owners of Formuler Boxes.
- Formuler is only Manufacturer of Formuler Boxes and has nothing to do with subscriptions or any online streams.
- Formuler Boxes are sold without any 3th content or subscriptions.
- To get, install and use IPTV subscriptions is only user responsibility. We highly recommend our server VooIPTV to get the best high quality IPTV experience.
Formuler Z – S Boxes and Mytvonline App, works with following URL`s and Subscriptions:
- Portal/Stalker (with registered MAC/ID on VooIPTV side).
- Xtreme Codes Api (short XC) with login.
- M3U Playlists.
Stalker Middleware:
Stalker servers deliver content from your IPTV/OTT/VOD providers who use Stalker Middleware. If one of VooIPTV team speaks about MAG Connection and MAC registering, he means Stalker.
This kind of connection is in most cases in use and deliver very good results. So, when you hear/read MAC/ID registering or portal, we mean stalker connection.
Xtreme Codes Api:
Xtreme Codes deliver content from IPTV/OTT/VOD VooIPTV who use Xtreme Codes. Works good like Stalker, the MAC/ID registering is not necessary but you have to use your login data.
The common use of this file format is for combining streaming links in one single file that runs as one single playlist. That is why it is commonly used by IPTV services/providers.
MYTVOnline Portal Setup:
After you get new VooIPTV subscription, choose portal for use and registered the MAC Address on VooIPTV side (For registering please use only MYTVOnline ID. Shown as (example) ID 00 1A 79 00 00 00).
Please note, on VooIPTV side you have to insert the ID with capital letters > 00:1A:79:00:00:00 (Of course with your ID).
VooIPTV will give you then Portal URL, this has to be inserted into MYTVOnline. For example: “http://portal.com” or “http://portal.com/c”
** URL Insert without ” “.
MYTVOnline 1:
Go to MYTVOnline > Menu > Portals -> Edit Portal (see video)
MYTVOnline 2:
Go to MYTVOnline 2 > Menu > Connections > Add Portal (see picture) and press connect.
MYTVOnline Xtreme Codes Api Setup:
Xtreme Codes Api Setup is almost same like Portal, the only difference is you don’t need to register MAC/ID but you have to insert login data (username and password). VooIPTV gives you directly this data or it is shown in customer account (View Order) from your subscription. Let’s assume VooIPTV gives you data for example: “http://vooiptv.com:1111” or “http://vooiptv.com”, username:11111 and password:22222.
Portal Nickname (example): VooIPTV
Portal URL: “http://vooiptv.com:1111”
Is the login required?: yes, please activate.
Username: 11111
Password: 22222
MYTVOnline 1:
Go to MYTVOnline > Menu > Portals -> Edit Portal (see picture)
MYTVOnline 2:
Go to MYTVOnline 2 > Menu > Connections > Add Portal (see picture) and press connect.
MYTVOnline Playlist Setup – URL:
M3U Playlist URL’s are different and much longer then Portal or XC URL’s.
If you get M3U URL from VooIPTV this will look like in this example: “http://vooiptv.com/get.php?username=11111&password=22222&type=m3u_plus&output=ts”
EPG XML URL will look like in this example: “http://vooiptv.com/xmltv.php?username=11111&password=22222”.
MYTVOnline 1:
Go to MYTVOnline > Menu > Playlist -> Edit Playlist (see picture)
MYTVOnline 2:
Go to MYTVOnline 2 > Menu > Connections > Playlists > Add Play List (see picture) and press connect.
Extended Infos
Following URL’s are in use (example):
(With options)
M3U URL in detail:
- url: Is the URL from service provider
- port: is the port used by VooIPTV
- username: Is the username of an account from VooIPTV
- password: Is the password of an account from VooIPTV
- type: Is the type of playlist. By default, m3u and m3u_plus are available for options but m3u_plus is the option given by default. M3u is a special type of playlist where the EPG ID and logo URL for a given AvContent.
- output: The output type of the stream. TS, HLS and Rtmp are available. By default it will be TS which represents the MPEG-TS container.The two other are HLS for HTTP Live Streaming and RPTM for Real Time Messaging Protocol.